The Rise of Lindbergh Napping

Just a kid taking a little nap. A prime example of some of the 'fake' posts.

Courtesy of lindbergh.napping

Just a kid taking a little nap. A prime example of some of the ‘fake’ posts.

You might want to sleep with one eye open because in the age of social media, what better way to share your creativity than by cleverly embarrassing your classmates by catching them in their most vulnerable state: Sleeping. 

On September 28, 2021, an account by the name of “lindbergh.napping” posted a picture of a student supposedly sleeping. His hands were bunched on his head with the caption “first victim is having a stressed nap.” Though this is relatively harmless you can’t help but wonder who would even want to look at this absolutely ridiculous stuff, right? 

Nine hundred and ninety followers later, the latest post was on November 30th, 2021. The account has seemed to come to a standstill and the followers are left hungry. While it’s clear some of these were staged or set up, some of them seemed quite genuine. Some are more obviously fake than others such as a kid dangling from a tree limply. (Real Talk: some of you suck at fake sleeping; I mean come on!) 

“Mostly real naps. Since I received a complaint. Don’t complain again or my rage will be unleashed,” said the account holder, who is anonymous, when confronted about the phony pictures. While it’s not exactly easy to tell where these pictures come from, it’s safe to assume the account holder just takes submissions rather than doing all these themself, especially considering a lot of people bluntly say they took the picture in the comments.

Some students taking a snooze on a stairway. (Courtesy of lindbergh.napping)

“This was funny till y’all started faking,” said ‘g.rahamster’ in the comments of one of the posts. Making it apparent that not everyone appreciates the longevity of this joke. Oftentimes we see things be ruined by popularization and some seem to feel the same about this very trend. However, that didn’t stop the poster from uploading more content. 

This isn’t the only account of this type, in fact, there are many accounts that follow similar aspects. Such as the fabled Lindbergh Twinkle Toes. This one can be a bit more controversial depending on your own perspective, but this account is purely dedicated to taking pictures of people’s feet while using the bathroom. Yeah.

Though some might find this disgusting or unsettling, reception is (probably) as expected. The account garnered over 169 followers, the latest post being only 4 days ago as of January 24th. Where username “madd_yoo” states, ‘LETS GO BABY,” as a reaction to his own feet being on display. We can only assume that some deem it an honor to be caught, while some even treat not being caught as a challenge. And it’s with a heavy heart that I say that I have fallen victim to lhs_twinkle_toes. I will not elaborate on the specific post, but if you manage to figure it out, I will give you a high five. 

In the end, is this harmful or helpful to our school and its community? Given that several fighting accounts have since been taken down, we can only assume that the school is aware of the presence of these beautiful creations and must deem it no harm. Which I and many others appear to agree on. It’s light-hearted and fun, and it doesn’t really hurt anyone. In an odd way, it shows some school spirit. Will we see similar accounts be created in the future? Most likely. Will lhs.napping ever return? Who knows, and we may never know since the account holder remains a mystery.